Job Description
To provide specialized services to patients for the diagnosis and management of Skin and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Responsible to develop and implement policies/ procedures/ plans/ SOPs/clinical guidelines/pathways of the
3.2 Responsible for implementing a unit specific quality improvement and patient safety program/initiative
3.3 Responsible for identification, selection and monitoring of measures specific to the department or service,
assess data, plan change, and sustain improvements in quality and patient safety
3.4 Responsible to ensure complete and timely training and education of staff on quality improvement process such
as but not limited to, prevention and control of infection, emergency disaster response, fire safety, Hazmat, spill
management, etc.
3.5 Responsible for monitoring and coordination of the quality improvement and patient safety program and
Responsible for monitoring incidents and sentinel events, and taken action and to sustain, to improve safety in
response to events
3.7 Responsible to support culture of safety program and implement, monitor, and take action to improve the
program in the department
3.8 Responsible for carrying out the evaluation/performance appraisal for the staffs in their department
3.9 The Dermatologist’s responsibility is mainly in the outpatient department providing
3.10 Consultation services to patients with skin diseases in the Clinic.
3.11 He also provides consultation service to the inpatient services and has admission privileges to admit patients
with skin diseases requiring inpatient care.
3.12 To perform the professional duties of a Dermatologist:
3.13 To perform his duties in the Dermatology outpatient Clinic evaluating patients with skin diseases on a daily basis.
3.14 Provides consultation service to inpatients in dermatology.
3.15 Admit to the hospital patients with skin diseases requiring inpatient services and assume their care.
3.16 Provides on-call emergency coverage for dermatologic emergencies.
3.17 Performs the dermatologic procedures e.g. PUVA therapy, skin biopsy, cryosurgery, electrocautery, chemical
peeling, curettage, excision etc.
3.18 Plans and maintains daily work schedules necessary for required performance of all Department functions,
including leaves of absence, vacations, holiday and weekend schedules, and emergency on-call schedules after
working hours.
3.19 Participates in the monthly hospital meetings.
3.20 Participates in Committees as needed.
3.21 Comply with all OSH and infection control policies, standards and procedures and cooperate with hospital
management to comply those requirements
3.22 Work accordance with the documented OSH procedures and instructions, specific responsibilities
3.23 Be familiar with emergency and evacuation procedures
3.24 Notifying OSH Hazards, incidents, Near misses and issues and assistance with the preparation of risk
assessments, incident reports
3.25 Comply with Waste management procedures and policies
3.26 Attend applicable OSH/Infection control training programs, mock drills and awareness programs
3.27 Use of appropriate personal protective equipment and safety systems
3.28 Ensure as far as reasonably practicable that any workplaces they manage or control are safe and without risks
to health, safety or the environment
3.29 Ensure implementation of applicable DOH, NMCRH OSHMS and infection control policies and standards
3.30 Designating a Safety facilitator who will be responsible for coordinating OSH activities within the department
3.31 Regularly discuss OSH issues or matters in departmental/ managemental meetings
3.32 Ensure provision of OSH information, training and Supervision
3.33 Implement and monitor effectiveness of risk management program
4.1 Work in all shifts as scheduled by the Chairman of Medical Department.
4.2 Monitors clinical and other established indicators to ensure ongoing quality assurance.
4.3 Strictly adheres to organization’s regulations and policies especially those related to infection control, patient
safety, EHSMS, DOH, JCI and ISO.
4.4 Supports Continuous Quality Improvement and participates and contributes to all the quality assurance
activities of the service.
4.5 Participates and contributes in scheduled in-service training programs like BLS, CNEs, CMEs, In house activities,
conferences or other programs as requested.
4.6 Exercises effective interpersonal skills in dealings with department staff, associates and Management.
4.7 Maintains confidentiality as per the agreement signed.
4.8 Demonstrates the ability to listen to others in promoting effective communication.
4.9 Develops thorough understanding of policies and procedures of the hospital and demonstrates respect for
4.10 Carries out other duties when requested by the HOD/ Medical Director
Graduation from an approved medical school plus internship.
5.2 Three years residency in Dermatology culminating in procuring a Post Graduate Master’s degree and/or
equivalent Fellowships approved by DOH.
5.3 Must have DOH License to practice.Five or more year’s exclusive practice of Dermatology since certification
5.5 Must be highly skilled in the particular field of practice, with mature clinical judgment and ability to provide
professional leadership. He / she must have a thorough knowledge of Medical Department policies and
procedures with particular reference to the obligation to maintain the confidentiality of his work; personality
which inspires confidence and trust in his patients; and adhere to Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Medical
5.6 Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with co-workers, superiors, patients & families